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Mary Shervashidze(1890-1987) - Famous for her amazing beauty Georgian aristocrat woman. It's said that she was the "muse" for Galaktioni's works, in 1921 she won the worldwide prize in beauty competition, she was the original model for coco channel.

Galaktion first saw Mary in Kutaisi, then he saw her photo in local newspaper, that's how Gala knew about Mary's life, Mary was no regular woman, as we know "Shervashidze" is aristocratic surname, she was from the higher class and she didn't care about the only alone poet. As Mary herself said, she only knew that the poems was about her after the years passed. About this topic, Mary never used to talk, maybe because she was so humble, or maybe because she had nothing to say...

Galaktion made one of the best works of his library about Mary.  "You were wedding that night, Mary"


ეს ქანდაკება, რომელიც ქუთაისში, წითელი ხიდის სიახლოვესაა, აღწერს მერის ჩრდილს გალაკტიონის ნამუშევრებზე

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